Buon giorno, Amici!
More updates for the Venetian Women of the 16th Century.
The first concerns the menu of the luncheon that will be served before the lecture. Yesterday I was told that the LCCC’s chef is planning to serve fish with risotto as the entrée, followed by panna cotta for dessert. According to my source, they are considering either halibut or sea bass. If any of you does not like fish of any type, even the super yummy ones, please let me know. I will ask if it is possible to get a substitute entrée. LCCC is a great place and I am sure they will provide a substitution.
Since the lecture will be about Venice and Venetians, the Chef maybe thought that a lunch menu with fish would be an appropriate way to honor the Venetian Women of the 16th century! After all, Venice made her fortune as a sea-faring power!
The second update concerns the deadline. We were told by the Club that they need the number of attendees no later than MONDAY, Oct. 31st. So, please see below the new deadlines:
- If you pay by credit card, your new deadline now is: SUNDAY, October 30th;
- If you pay by check, we need to receive your check NO LATER THAN SATURDAY, October 29th.
The payment options remain the same and you can find them at the end of the original post
That is it for now. Enjoy this lovely Sunday. Best wishes to all, Gabriella
Cari Amici, Dear Friends,
The Italian Cultural Heritage Foundation of Santa Barbara is delighted to offer this interesting presentation on the Venetian women of the 16th Century.
It will be the first of a series of presentations about Italian Women in past centuries. In all these presentations, it will be analyzed the role of women in society, their rights (or lack thereof) within family and society at large with emphasis on their contributions.
The first presentation depicts two extraordinary Venetian women: Veronica Franco and Modesta di Pozzo di Zorzi. The latter wrote with the pen name of Moderata Fonte.
And here are the details:
Date: Wednesday, November 2, 2022
Time: 12:00 Noon. Lunch will be served before the lecture.
Lecturer: Gabriella Schooley (see short bio below)
Place: La Cumbre Country Club,
CLUB’S DRESS CODE: No denim of any color/type
Cost: $35.00 per person
Syould you have any questions about this event, please contact me at 805-969-1018 or by e-mail at gschooley@verizon.net
Arrivederci a presto, Gabriella
Gabriella Schooley, Past President,
Italian Cultural Heritage Foundation of S.B.
You can pay by check or by credit card.
To pay by check, please click on RSVP FORM for a downloadable, printable RSVP form.
To pay by credit card, please click on the yellow button and follow directions.
A short background about the lecturer.
I have a degree in Italian Studies and for 15 years I was a docent at the SB Museum of Art presenting various traveling exhibitions and the best of our permanent collection to the public during scheduled tours. During those years, I did most of my research.
On the personal level, I was born, raised and educated in Italy and spent my teen years in Rome. My home region is Tuscany where I have many relatives. When visiting them, I usually take a quick trip to Florence to have a day in that amazing city, taking in the great atmosphere of the town and visiting museums. I am a native Italian speaker.
I love doing research. I discovered that feminism did not originate in the West in the 1960’s or 70’s. The real origins of women feminism can be traced to Venetian women of the 16th century Venice. So I decided to put together a presentation of the early feminism in Italy for Circolo Italiano.
Aside from Museum presentations and touring, in past years I also gave two well-received presentations to Circolo Italiano’s members. The first was about Post WW2 Italian fashion and the second about Venetian Masks.